It’s good to see Mayor Cass is paying close attention to our blog. We hope some of our other colleagues in government are also finding our ideas interesting, and our information and documentation useful. We feel we are making a positive contribution to the civic life of Geneva by introducing a sustained, fact-based point of view into our local public dialogue.
Of course it wouldn’t be necessary for two councilors to break off and start a blog if the current administration wasn’t reluctant of leading an open and honest public discussion about the many pressing issues we face in Geneva. The primary responsibility of elected officials is to gather and share information about important issues so that constituents can express informed opinions, elected officials can make informed decisions, and everyone knows where their representative stands. Call it accountability, call it transparency, call it truth-telling. Whatever you call it, it’s what good government is all about.
Perhaps we should be happy that the Mayor submitted a comment in response to our post about the lakefront visioning, but it’s hard to be happy when the comment just reinforces our fears about the way things are being done in Geneva. The Mayor had the perfect opportunity to defend his committee selections by providing some rationale for them. He could have explained the criteria he used in selecting members and what the anticipated contribution of the group would be. But he didn’t.
Instead, he chastised us for having this blog, telling us “to get the facts straight” and not to say anything that’s “not based on facts.” But he doesn’t identify any factual errors.
He says that some of the very people we mentioned as having been passed over for appointments to his new lakefront committee are, in fact, people whose opinions he values. But when he had the opportunity to appoint those very people to the committee, he didn't. That is a fact.
He goes on to say that people with different opinions should come forward to public meetings where they’ll be heard. That's nice, but he had a chance to involve them in the process from the start and he didn't. That is a fact.
Just because something is uncomfortable to see in print doesn’t make it untrue.
But this is, unfortunately, indicative of the political climate that has taken over our City in recent years. If you question the status quo, you’re considered a troublemaker. If you aren’t willing to ‘go along just to get along’ then they say you’re not a ‘team player.’
We want to break that cycle, and this blog is our way of bringing some rationality, professionalism, and accountability back to city government. There are plenty of websites for unsubstantiated opinions, promises lacking in credibility, and rants. Ours isn’t one of them. We know that our readers won’t always agree with our opinions, but whether you agree or not, it is our responsibility to explain how we reached that opinion, what factual basis there is for it, and what factors, if any, might change our minds. That’s the level of candor that elected officials should be required to maintain at all times.
In his comment, the Mayor calls our readers “the uninformed,” but we’re not sure where that comes from. We know the people of Geneva want to know what's going on. Many seek out information about important issues, but it’s tough when it’s a closed shop. So if he’s saying that Geneva's residents have been left in the dark by the majority on Council, then he found something we can agree on.
Thursday, April 26
The Mayor Reminds Us Why This Website Is Necessary
Posted by
Capraro and Augustine
5:41 PM
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Why this website is necessary?? It's because you council people spend more time breaking each other's chops then you do on solving the issues. It's time for you two to become part of the solution and stop being part of the problem. If only you spent this much time on city affairs then you do on this site, things would be better in Geneva.
With all due respect, we try not to think of our blog as a chat room, or as some place to go for people who just want to vent. There are plenty of other sites for that. We are more information oriented. Essentially, you said to our hundreds-- now thousands-- of readers that we should close down the blog and get back to work doing something more useful with our time. Frankly, we don’t believe our readers find much “value added” in that sort of response-- unless that's simply your way of saying you are frustrated with what’s going on in city government, as many other in the City are.
You do acknowledge there is “a problem” in the City. We would have appreciated hearing something more specific about the nature of the problem, and what kinds of solutions you’d like us to be a part off. After all, one of the reasons we started our blog was our own frustration with the failure of City leaders to respond to our many concerns. A rant against the blog itself is only condemning “the messenger." Surely, you don’t mean to suggest things were OK in the City before we launched No Strings, do you?
We have to wonder, though, why in the world would anyone who has read our blog question whether or not it is "necessary"? It’s only a vehicle for our readers to have better access to information, news, and, yes, opinion, about what’s going on. If you browse the entire site, you will come across a variety of well researched perspectives, relevant public documents, audio files, and even an excellent slide show on a critical issue available nowhere else in local media. It should be self evident that we are trying to reach out to our readers, to inform them-- with a fact-based point-of-view-- about critical issues facing the City of Geneva, and to illuminate what's going on in government.
We consider dialogue to be very much a part of "city affairs" and an important part of our work as Councilors. Exchanging ideas, information, and evidence for positions taken are the essence of democracy. Perhaps some readers, maybe even you, were already aware of everything we've been posting in the blog: If that's the case, and there is satisfaction with the way things are going in the City, maybe our blog is a waste your or their time. As for us, and how we spend our time, we're going to stick with it, and to do our very best to represent our constituents-- the people of Geneva.
Chip and Jackie,
Keep up the good work... this was a great idea and I just wish that I (a townie--Town of Geneva) had a site like this!! This is great to get the communication going and really stir the pot...
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