Monday, September 3

A Great Leap Forward: 2,052 will be a leap year; it’s also how many people have logged on

Today, our 2,052nd visitor logged on. That means 2,052 readers have visited our site at least one time. Nearly half of them (approximately 1,000 people) keep up with all of the new posts! For the five months since we launched No Strings Geneva, we’ve averaged over 50 visits per day. As our content and new readership expand, people are spending more time on the site, about 6 minutes per visit, on average. Loyalty is strong. Three out of four who find their way to the site will return. We’re growing our number of visitors and our total number of visits at a steady pace. We've had almost 20,000 'views.' We're glad that you've cared enough to check the site out and are interested enough to keep coming back. The more we all know about city government, the better things will be for Geneva!

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