At Council’s February 7th meeting, Mayor Cass rounded up the votes he needed to grant City Manager Rising a 5% salary increase, retroactive to January 2006. The resolution authorizing the raise wasn’t originally on the agenda, was presented after a lengthy executive session, late at night, and was false. You can read it here. Cass and his majority told the public that a performance evaluation had been completed and indicated that a 5% retroactive raise was warranted. That’s just false.
Councilors Capraro, Augustine, Espenscheid and Nyrop voted against the raise on the grounds that Rising’s performance evaluation had never been completed. Not only is a yearly performance evaluation the right thing to do for the public, and for Rising, but it is a contractual obligation (see our June 4th post on this issue).
But Cass continued to spread fiction in the City, with a letter to the editor indicating that the evaluation had been completed. Even the Finger Lakes Times, that usually bends over backwards to give Cass the benefit of the doubt, wrote an editorial about the problems with the vote. Councilor Cosentino confirmed it in his own letter to the editor. He stated that Rising’s evaluation hadn’t been completed, but that he didn’t care because everyone knows what a great job the Manager does. We think that’s debatable, but whether you like the job that’s being done or not, the evaluation matters.
Cass also allowed Councilor Paul D’Amico to vote for the raise, even though D’Amico had just joined council and therefore wasn’t able to comment on Rising’s 2005 job performance. We thought D’Amico should abstain, not only because he had no basis on which to vote, but because he could have avoided unnecessary political controversy. But D’Amico was all too eager to get on Rising’s good side, and cast the deciding vote for the raise.
Because that last raise covered Rising’s performance in 2005, Cass wanted to turn right around and ramp up for yet another raise covering Rising’s 2006 performance. At a special meeting of council held later in February, Cass pledged to follow a schedule for Rising’s next round of evaluation/raise. Council was supposed complete the evaluation in May at a special meeting devoted solely to discussion of the individual evaluations. Don’t take our word for it, read it for yourself here.
Well, it’s September and the evaluation has still not been completed. Individual evaluation forms have been completed (see the form we used), but we haven’t moved on to the second step. It was supposed to be discussed in June, then it was put off to July, then August. We aren’t on the bandwagon for another raise for Rising, but come on, Cass needs to get his Mayoral act together, for once, and get this done! Council has a meeting Wednesday, September 19th. The day after the Mayoral primary. Perhaps then it will be ‘safe’ for the Mayor and his voting bloc to put forward their proposal for yet another raise?
Sunday, September 16
Rich Rising's Rising Riches--Part 1: If Cass gets his way, the budget will include another increase for the city manager
Posted by
Capraro and Augustine
10:14 PM
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Again the two of you continue to spew what you call "fact" which is really just your opinion of what facts really are. You have also changed your blog frm a source of community information to a "unpaid" political advertisement.
You stated that I wanted "to turn right around and ramp up for yet another raise covering Rising's 2006 performance." Nowhere in the proceedings of Council that you two speak as "FACT" does it state that there will be a raise.
The "fact" is that I stated that after the evlauations are completed that there would be a discussion of "any pay increase". Nowhere do the minutes state that there will be a pay raise.
Yes, an Executive Session was set to discuss and formulate a "council" evaluation for the City Manager. However, as Mr. Capraro certainly should be able to understand, ALL councilors were not at the meeting so I postponed it. I did it for them and I would have even done it for Capraro or Augustine.
It is so unfortunate that the two of you have turned what was started to be a source of "fact-based" information to the community has turned out to be yet another way for you and a handful of Democratic Committee members to get out your vote for your choice for Mayor.
I guess sticking to the "facts" was just too great of a challenge for a&c. When refering to my letter to the editor a&c said that I stated that 'I don't care because everyone knows what a great job the city manager does. I'm not a super smart person like a&c, but I do know what I write and that quote wasn't mine. Have some integrity and try to make your point w/out lying!!!!
Lou Cosentino
Thank you for acknowledging as a resource for community information. You are right: we do want to provide people with facts, so they can view documents directly and draw their own conclusions. But we also have a point of view, based on the facts. Our post about Rising's rising salary doesn't deviate from that purpose.
Besides, it looks like the only point you take issue with is whether or not a new raise is in the offing. Since it hasn't happened yet, one way or another, only time will tell if that's a fact or not. If you're saying that another raise shouldn't be assumed, that's good news,but history shows that the Manager hasn't been denied any compensation increase in the past. Perhaps you've read the current evaluations and have judged that, based on them, a raise is not guaranteed? It would be refreshing if you were approaching the discussion with such an open mind.
As for your postponing the discussion, you selectively mention last month's meeting, when Councilor Cosentino was absent. What about all the other meetings? There were many meetings with full attendance between May and September, were there not? And, by the way, what about the fact that at the February 21 meeting, you agreed to a special, separate meeting to do the evaluation, which could have been scheduled for a time when everyone was free to meet? You never called that meeting. The facts may not suit you, but that doesn't make them untrue.
Our blog is about current events in Geneva's existing administration. It's not affiliated with nor run by the Democratic committee. The timing of the salary post was determined by you, not us. You are the one who chose to do the evaluation the day after the primary.
Don, it's time you stopped the blame game, and started to take responsibility for your performance in office. You can be sure that if we'd wanted to influence the election, the post would have been different. We might have highlighted the way that city taxes have increased at least 30% during your administration, we might have pointed out that you have enjoyed an unchallenged majority on council for eight years, but blame things on us. Are we, two councilors out of nine, responsible for a retroactive raise that is almost double what other city workers receive? Are we, two councilors out of nine, responsible for a budget that froze equipment purchases? Are we, two councilors out of nine, responsible for tax breaks for for-profit entities while increasing the burden on the average resident? The answer is no.
Sorry, Don, you have only yourself to blame for the mess we're in. We opposed these things, but the majority prevailed. If you want facts, there they are. You can blame and obscure the issues all you want, but at the end of the day you've had the votes to do whatever you want for eight years, and these are your choices.
Our fact checker says that our post was correct. Please explain what you think he has missed.
Your 'fact checker' is wrong! Why not post the letter that your referring to?
You've posted several reactions, but we really have to ask that your comments be of some substance. We don't like comments that just say "great job" any more than we like comments that just say "liars!"
The point is, this blog isn't a message board or a chat room, it's supposed to have substance, to bring fact-based points of view on city issues. If you think we've made a factual error, please point it out. Your comments about the City Manager's raise accused us of lying, but you didn't support that claim with any facts. Instead, you asked us to do the homework for you: to post the minutes with your comments, to find, copy, scan, and post your letter all to show that your accusation against us was unfounded. We won't do that again.
If you have a criticism, you need to do the legwork to back it up. We've already done our work in presenting the facts the first time.
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